
Speak Project Management Podcast

We run an informative and engaging podcast, where we discuss project management across diverse industries.
Stay updated with our podcast episodes, and you will surely be impacted by a lot of insights. Whether you are a professional project manager, an enthusiast or you are a business owner wanting to improve their business.
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Previous Episodes

They Say I’m A Project Manager! What Does That Mean? with Dave Davis

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The PMBOK Guide 7th Edition:A Need Well-Addressed for Existing PMPs and Non-PMPs, with Dave Davis

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Agile Project Management: A Mindset or A Way of Working, with Dan S. Roman

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Project Team Members: Not Mere Resources, But Also Stakeholders, with Andy Kaufman

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Project Management Diversity: How Does It Benefit The Pharmaceutical Industry?, with Jeffrey Gyan

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Can My Project or Organization Go Agile Already?, with Dan S. Roman

Incorporating Business Analysis With Project Management: What We Can Benefit, with Bola Adesope

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A successful Project With Disciplined Agile: Finding The Best Toolkits, with Dave Davis


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The Project Charter: Establishing The Existence of My Project

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Stakeholder Engagement: Getting It Right With Your Stakeholders For A Successful Project

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How Best Can You Implement The Scrum Framework, Part 1, with Dan Roman

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How Best Can You Implement The Scrum Framework, Part 2, with Dan S. Roman

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Understanding Project Lifecycle on Your Projects, with Elizabeth Harrin

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